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Alternative Economies | Reflection Deck
Alternative Economies | Reflection Deck
Alternative Economies | Reflection Deck

A world with more compassion, fairness, and sustainability is not just a distant possibility; it can be a reality. We believe that this better world is not only within our reach but is already here in many ways. Use this reflection deck to begin learning about the Solidarity, Indigenous, and Circular economy.

A world with more compassion, fairness, and sustainability is not just a distant possibility; it can be a reality. We believe that this better world is not only within our reach but is already here in many ways. Use this reflection deck to begin learning about the Solidarity, Indigenous, and Circular economy.

A world with more compassion, fairness, and sustainability is not just a distant possibility; it can be a reality. We believe that this better world is not only within our reach but is already here in many ways. Use this reflection deck to begin learning about the Solidarity, Indigenous, and Circular economy.